Welcome to the History Corner!
Celebrating the rich history of Port Byron, New York, an old Erie Canal village in the Town of Mentz. This site is dedicated to the legacy and heritage of our community as well as a variety of regional historical tidbits. I hope you enjoy your visit and will stop by again.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Smith & Dixon

Auburn Daily Bulletin. February 21, 1874

A CHANGE OF BASE.—Messrs. Smith & Dixon, of Port Byron, have sold to parties in Indianapolis their interest in the manufacture of the Skilton mower and reaper knife guards. The machinery of the manufactory has been shipped for
Indianapolis, where the purchasers design the formation of a heavy joint stock company to continue the manufacture.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Port Byron Twins Win Baby Contest

Port Byron Twins Win

Agnes and Helen, twins of Mr. and Mrs. William Murray of Port Byron, were adjudged normal and perfect according to a comparison made with tables supplied by the Woman's Home Companion which was the criterion on which the judges based their awards.  Needless to say that Mrs. Murray is today the proudest mother in Port Byron.

The Auburn Citizen
August 22, 1919