Welcome to the History Corner!
Celebrating the rich history of Port Byron, New York, an old Erie Canal village in the Town of Mentz. This site is dedicated to the legacy and heritage of our community as well as a variety of regional historical tidbits. I hope you enjoy your visit and will stop by again.


Kilmer Family History

Presented by Old Mentz Heritage Center

Sept. 21st at 1:00 PM
Samuel Center for Canal History
38 Rochester St.
Port Byron, NY 13140

Village historian Dawn Roe presents the Kilmer family history with special narrations by Pearl Kilmer Wilson (1894-1983).  

Pearl shares stories about traveling the Hudson River with her Grandfather during the construction period of the NY Barge Canal and her life on Centerport Road where the Erie canal and trolley once passed through the former hamlet of Centerport, once considered its own village.

Roe will also present the Kilmer ancestry and other interesting Kilmer connections.

Admission is Free.  For more information please contact Old Mentz Heritage Center at lock52hs@gmail.com